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William Smith @47706

  • Houston,Texas,United States | 
  • Member Since 2022
We offer a unique opportunity to purchase crude and crude by-product fuels. The price for all products is minus -15% per barrel or metric ton for the $300 million purchase per month minimum contract. A higher discount will be calculated for the $500 million purchase per month maximum contract. Q: How do we provide the fuel on a consistent basis with this big 15% plus discount when most pricing is a lot lower and fuel hard to procure on a consistent basis? A: We hypothecate the crude or fuel contracts using our banking relationships from around the world. Note: We do not trade the security guarantee (BG, SBLC) just the contract value. The contract is given a value and that value is traded in a buy sell program that create huge returns and these huge return profits allow us to do the following -We negotiate terms and pricing with the refinery, tank farms and shipping companies and pay them top market value plus for their products and services. We pay a premium plus price and that allows us to be in “first position” with these providers of products and services. We get priority over others seeking big discounts. We pass these negotiated concessions on to our buyers. We get product when we need it on a timely and consistent basis at best pricing discounts. -Another benefit of this opportunity allows us to fund projects for our buyers. If you have a project please submit an Executive Summary for our review. We will analyze the project and plan the funding on a case by case basis. If not, we have projects to fund everyone to include (us) will benefit monetarily. This is on a case by case basis. -There are other advantages versus other offers as follows: * No ICPO upfront *No POF upfront *No PO upfront *No security guarantee upfront (5 options available) *Buyer is given CONTRACT upfront to review and approve * Seller Representative to help Buyer: William Smith explains everything upfront and vets all buyers and if accepted the buyer and seller talk. He will answer all questions in full detail * The Buyer is introduce to Seller by conference call or Zoom *Bank to Bank confirmation of title to product, allotment information with refinery, refinery production contract, tank farm contract, shipping company contract, etc. *Delivery Schedule (FOB or CIF) If CIF title is given to buyer once the SGS dip test is conducted, approved and product paid for with MT103 *We use the closet refinery to the delivery port to cut down on delivery time and cut logistics cost * Non-recourse project funding *Once the Buyer and Seller talk and agree to move forward the Seller will then ask for a simple POF in the form of a bank tear sheet, signed by the buyer’s bank officer. An Authority to Validate (ATV) form should be executed by the Buyer and submitted to the Seller. This allows the Seller to validate the POFs. *The contract will be executed and the Buyer posts the security guarantee with the Seller’s bank. The product is ordered, refined and delivered. *At this time a delivery scheduled will be created for the next 12 months of production and delivery. *This offer model favors the buyer from start to finish of the transaction. William Smith bill@mustangoilandgas.us 281-509-0564

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United States