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Columbia Energy Companies
5 companies listed

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Since Dec, 2021
Intrepid Drilling, LLC acquires working interest positions and mineral rights leases for the sole purpose of oil and gas exploration and production using new technologies and advanced drilling and completion methods. The company invests in known, producing areas that it believes will yield prolific…
Basic Member
Since Dec, 2021
Griner Drilling Service, Inc.'s early beginnings in the drilling industry where admittedly inadvertent. In the early 1940's, company founder Dean Griner was drafted to serve in the Army during World War II, but due to a medical condition was denied entry on multiple occasions.  After being medically…
Basic Member
Since Jun, 2021
Well our Company is still going strong for over 70 years now. With a Annual Revenue of $16 Billion and with 32,780 Employee"s. Thanks to our Employees"s. Our Support from Associate Corporations, Supplier"s, Distributor"s and Customers in 19 States and  9 other Countries, Friends and Family we will…
Basic Member
Since Dec, 2019
Intrepid Drilling, LLC acquires working interest positions and mineral rights leases for the sole purpose of oil and gas exploration and production using new technologies and advanced drilling and completion methods. The company invests in known, producing areas that it believes will yield prolific…
Basic Member
Since Dec, 2016
DeepWell Energy Services is a new name but our roots run deep in the oil field industry.DeepWell is an oil field and energy services company providing quality services through Innovation, Leadership, and the Continual Improvement of equipment and technology. We have 35 years of experience under our…
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