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Renewable Energy Companies in Portage
3 companies listed

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Since Oct, 2021
When you choose Climax Solar, you’ll save your wallet as well as the planet. With your decision to begin using solar electricity, you’ll feel great knowing your investment is helping to create a sustainable future for both the planet and your finances.
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Since Jul, 2017
In 1945 Günter Fronius founded a small company in Pettenbach in Austria. Its main products were welding power sources and battery chargers. The company is still Headquarted in Austria  and its welding technology division is now one of the world’s technology leaders in the arc welding…
Basic Member
Since Nov, 2016
We love to enthuse and inspire our customers with innovative solutions. In a world ever-changing with technology, we feel this step-forward sets us a part from our competitiors, and helps to build a foundation for lasting and sustainable advancements. Fronius is a company in which community is key:…
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