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Oil & Gas Companies in Needham
6 companies listed

Basic Member
Since Nov, 2021
If you’re in the market for a new high efficiency heating or cooling system, or an oil supplier you can trust, you won’t find a better company than Needham Oil COMPLETE. From Newton to Norfolk and Walpole to Wellesley, we have great options for every home and every budget, and hundreds of…
Basic Member
Since Jun, 2021
We give you peace of mind by our use of a computerized monitored dispatch system. For your heating security our Heating Specialists are on call 24 hours.Our licensed service technicians will check and maintain your heating system for top performance and fuel economy. For your heating security our Heating…
Basic Member
Since May, 2021
We give you peace of mind by our use of a computerized monitored dispatch system. For your heating security our Heating Specialists are on call 24 hours. Our licensed service technicians will check and maintain your heating system for top performance and fuel economy. lndresano Energy Co. stands ready…
Basic Member
Since Feb, 2021
Founded over 95 years ago, Kerivan-Lane, is a family owned, family operated, and family centered, company. We enthusiastically serve the Metro West area, ensuring the best possible, plumbing, heating, and cooling solutions. Innovation is very important to us, we offer the finest in, propane, fuel and…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2019
1872, it was a leap year, one that saw the establishment of Yellowstone National Park, the death of Samuel Morse (of code fame), the reelection of President Ulysses S. Grant, and the first national vote cast by suffragist Susan B. Anthony (illegally, and we do not know for whom).  It was also the…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Kerivan-Lane, Inc. is a family-owned company that has been in the heating and plumbing business since 1922. Our years of experience have made us one of the most recognized names to local homeowners..Kerivan-Lane, Inc., a plumbing, heating, propane, air conditioning and fuel oil delivery company, has…
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