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Oil & Gas Companies in Glasgow
8 companies listed

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Since Jan, 2022
The Illinois and Appalachian Basins, are some of the more mature Basins of the World, known as, "the most drilled, yet least explored". Considering the majority of wells have been drilled shallow (400-2000 ft.) with only a few reaching the 6000-7000 ft. range, these levels could hold attractive pay…
Basic Member
Since Nov, 2021
H2Oil & Gas was formed in 2006 to provide specialist water treatment services for enhanced oil recovery and on-board process systems in the oil and gas industry. With an initial focus on sulphate removal systems, our portfolio of applications and expertise has broadened. H2Oil & Gas now provide…
Basic Member
Since Jun, 2021
Glacier Energy is a leading international provider of specialist products, services and engineering solutions for new and existing infrastructure. We have decades of experience in each of our specialist fields and our experts are recognised as some of the best in the business. Our deep-rooted capability…
Basic Member
Since Feb, 2021
Ferguson & Menzies Ltd is an independent Scottish company based in Glasgow for over 100 years. The company is proud to be the only manufacturer of lubricants and construction products in Scotland. We manufacture a comprehensive range of synthetic and mineral based lubricants under the brand name…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2021
Turbine Services is a global provider to owners and operators of industrial gas turbines, offering an employee skill-base in excess of 2,000 man-years of experience in gas turbine maintenance solutions. With our heritage in John Brown Engineering, our primary specialization is in the heavy duty frame…
Basic Member
Since Dec, 2020
Our full range of services encompass all aspects of the maintenance involved in liquid storage facilities. This is not just limited to emptying and cleaning but extends to testing, removal and replacement of the tanks and associated items. The service is not just for conventional tanks we also operate…
Basic Member
Since Aug, 2018
 Bluegrass Exploration Company, LLC is a privately held family run  oil exploration and production enterprise founded in 2015, and is headquartered in Glasgow, Kentucky. Geographically focused, Bluegrass Exploration specializes in developing and producing reserves in the state of Kentucky.…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2018
Founded in 1981 by Betty Gentry and Sheila Pruitt. The original office was opened in a small rural community on the Barren and Metcalfe county line. SERVICES  Big Meadow Oil is dedicated to serving our customers to the best of our ability. Being second rate is not an option for anyone at our business.…
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