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Electric Power Companies in Georgia
31 companies listed

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Since Jan, 2017
Hart EMC is an Electric Membership Cooperative. That means we are owned by the people we serve. In other words, people who receive their electricity from us own our company. This makes us a very unique company, and it makes your participation in our growth extremely important. The leadership you elect…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
ackson EMC was founded in 1938 on the belief that by working together, we could improve the quality of life for residents of Northeast Georgia through the power of electricity. That idea hasn’t changed, and a Jackson EMC membership still costs the same today as it did then - $5. Today, the meters…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Jefferson Energy Cooperative’s mission is to safely deliver reliable and competitively priced electricity to our member-consumers.  We do this through a highly skilled, committed and motivated workforce.  We serve to improve the quality of life for our members and communities. Cooperative…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation is a not-for-profit cooperative located in Eastman, Georgia that is dedicated to providing the residents of Dodge, Bleckley, Pulaski, Laurens and Telfair counties with exceptional energy related products and services. We've been your local…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Seventy two years ago there was no electricity available to the rural residents of Baldwin, Bibb, Bleckley, Dodge, Laurens, Twiggs, and Wilkinson Counties. Life on the farm was hard and the nights were dark. After the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) was established in 1935 by an Executive…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
We are pleased to provide online information regarding your cooperative membership and electric services. If you do not find what you need or are unable to access any information on this website, please contact us via one of the methods listed throughout this site. We’ve listed some general info…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Oglethorpe Power is one of the nation's largest power supply cooperatives with more than $10 billion in assets serving 38 Electric Membership Corporations, which collectively provide electricity to more than 4.2 million Georgia residents. A proponent of conscientious energy development and use, OPC…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Southern Rivers Energy was originally chartered as Lamar Electric Membership Corporation in February 1938, after a group of local farmers got together to create a plan of action to bring power to their community through Franklin Roosevelt's Rural Electrification Administration. They worked tirelessly…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
As a not-for-profit consumer-owned electric distribution system, Three Notch EMC Corporation strives to keep costs as low as possible now and in the future. Three Notch offers the services of approximately 58 employees to meet the electric needs of more than 8,366 members in a six county area (Baker,…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
As a Tri-State EMC member, you have a unique opportunity to support Operation Round UP, a program that provides financial support to organizations within the 3 counties served by Tri-State EMC, and all that is required is the “round up” of your power bill. How does Operation RoundUP work?…
Basic Member
Since Nov, 2016
Dominovas Energy Corp. (DNRG) is an energy solutions company dedicated to delivering electricity on a multi-megawatt scale that is clean, efficient, and reliable to areas of the world that lack this precious and necessary commodity. With its eye on capturing this immense “alternative green energy…
21 - 31 of 31 companies


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