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Electric Power Companies
1489 companies listed

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Since Jan, 2017
GreyStone Power Corporation is a member-owned electric cooperative dedicated to providing our members with the best electric service at the lowest possible rates. Because GreyStone is locally owned and operated, customers, known as members, receive responsive and focused service. GreyStone Power Corporation…
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Since Jan, 2017
Gulf Coast Electric Cooperative, Inc. was organized to provide electric service in an area not served by other utilities. Incorporated under the laws of the State of Florida on Oct. 28, 1941, it is wholly owned and controlled by the people to whom it provides electric service. We are a member-owned…
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Since Jan, 2017
Groton Utilities has taken additional security measures to protect our water and electric facilities in the aftermath of the tragic September 11th attack on the World Trade Center. It is our first priority to safeguard the purity of our water supply and ensure the continuity and safety of our electric…
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Since Jan, 2017
Grundy County REC provides dependable, affordable electricity to 1804 member consumers with 2288 meters in Grundy, Black Hawk, Marshall, Tama, Butler and Hardin counties in Iowa.  The area is served by 9 substations, owned by Corn Belt Power Cooperative, providing power to approximately…
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Since Jan, 2017
Grundy Electric Cooperative is committed to providing the members with competitively priced, quality electric service. Through a highly-trained, efficient staff, the Cooperative strives to improve the quality of life for all members by participating in economic and community development activities as…
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Since Jan, 2017
Welcome to the Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative (GVEC).  By becoming a member, you have also become part owner of a private, independent electric utility distributing electricity to over 65,000 meters in 13 counties across South Central Texas. You are now part of an organization anchored firmly…
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Since Jan, 2017
Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative is owned by the people who receive electric service from their cooperative, which is operated for the benefit of its member-owners on a non-profit basis. Like thousands of other member-owned cooperative businesses around the country, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Information for this history was taken from the Guntersville Democrat and the Guntersville Advertiser.Once the sun went down over Guntersville, Alabama, the town was clothed in darkness until the sun came up the next morning. That is until January of 1903. The town officials met with Capt. J. B. Curry…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Parsons is an established leader in the electrical services industry. Since 1927, Parsons has successfully provided quality design, construction, service and maintenance to our customers. We are pleased to offer a broad range of services through our three operating divisions: Electrical, Technologies…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Since 1938, Guthrie County REC is proud to serve over 4,600 residential, commercial and industrial members in Adair, Audubon, Cass, Dallas, Greene, and Guthrie counties. The cooperative mission is to provide safe, affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible electricity to the cooperative members,…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
In keeping with our goal to work on upgrading our Gwitchyaa Zhee Utilities Co., as this power company serves our shareholder in our Village. Our new power house went up this summer at our new location as our roads in Fort Yukon had been trenched to install our heat loop. We have seen a lot of activity…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
H-D Electric Cooperative is more than just power lines, transformers, equipment and meters.  We are PEOPLE - members, a board of directors and a dedicated staff of employees. Our Mission H-D Electric Cooperative is dedicated to:  Providing safe, reliable, high quality electric service…
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Since Jan, 2017
HILCO Electric is a member owned, not for profit, electric cooperative that provides its members with low-cost, dependable power. Combined with efficient management , we offer electric service with promptness and professionalism. Originating in 1936 with a handful of members in the area, HILCO serves…
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Since Jan, 2017
HEMC provides reliable electricity as well as fiber internet service, security systems (Powerguard) and many other products and services to its Members. History & Current Stats In the 1930s electricity was only available to city residents. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, frustrated by the high…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Welcome to Halifax Electric Membership Corporation, a rural electric cooperative that serves parts of Halifax, Martin, Nash, and Warren Counties. We have been serving our members for 75 years operating under the following cooperative principles: Voluntary and Open Membership…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
It is the mission of Hamilton County Electric Cooperative Association to provide safe, reliable, quality electric service to our Members at an affordable price. It is our goal to control costs, to assure that rates can remain low into the future. Additionally, we strive to provide service and leadership…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Welcome to your cooperative's website. Please look around and discover all the things your co-op has to offer. Harmon Electric Association, Inc. is a member-owned electric cooperative with headquarters in Hollis, OK. Each day we bring the power of electric energy to farm, residential, commercial and…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Harney Electric Cooperative (HEC), headquartered in Hines, Oregon, with a district office in Orovada, Nevada and a satellite office in Fields, Oregon is an electric transmission and distribution cooperative that serves over 20,000 square miles in southeast Oregon and northern Nevada.  The coop…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
The Rural Electrification Act of 1935 provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve rural areas of the United States.The funding was channeled through cooperative electric power companies, most of which still exist today. These member-owned cooperatives purchased…
Basic Member
Since Jan, 2017
Bmark Energy was founded in 1993 when deregulation had just begun in California and natural gas was $2.00/mmbtu. With reduced pipeline charges, Bmark Energy alerted thousands of larger California manufacturers to a 20+% savings off utility tariff pricing. and the race was on.The links www.NaturalGasDeregulation.com…


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