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Electric Power Companies
1489 companies listed

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Since Dec, 2016
Wells Rural Electric Company is a member-owned, non-profit cooperative that provides electrical service across 1,385 miles of power line to more than 10,000 square miles of Northeastern Nevada and part of Tooele County in Utah. Incorporated in 1958 to obtain central station power for the rural areas…
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Since Dec, 2016
The White County Crime Stoppers, Sheriff’s Department and the Wayne-White Counties Electric Cooperative are seeking information from the public that will lead to the arrest & conviction of the people responsible for the theft of copper wire and other materials from the Enfield branch of the…
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Since Dec, 2016
Established in 1904, Waverly Light and Power is a municipally owned electric utility that now serves more than 4,600 customers in and around Waverly. In 1993, Waverly Light and Power became the first public power system in the Midwest to own and operate wind generation, positioning the utility as a…
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Since Dec, 2016
Waupun Utilities is offering up to a $50 reward for the purchase of a new, efficient ENERGY STAR rated dehumidifier when a used, working dehumidifier is turned in to the utility for recycling. Program is available May and June 2017, or until program funds are expended. Waupun Utilities is the locally…
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Since Dec, 2016
Hill County Electric Cooperative (HCE) was started by rural residents of Hill County who wanted to enjoy the benefits of electricity the same way those in the cities had been using for many years.HCE was incorporated in 1945 as an electric distribution cooperative.  The first electric services…
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Since Dec, 2016
Serving the Watertown, South Dakota community for over 60 years, Watertown Municipal Utilities provides electric, water and natural gas services to over 10,000 residential and 2,000 commercial customers. Watertown Municipal Utilities is commited to providing competitive utility rates for our customers…
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Since Dec, 2016
Glacier Electric Cooperative, Inc., was established to bring electric service to rural areas in and around Glacier County. Since our founding in 1945, our cooperative has grown from serving only a handful of rural homes and farms to one of our community's largest businesses serving nearly 5,000 members.…
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Since Dec, 2016
Central Montana Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. is a member system owned wholesale electric supply cooperative providing electric energy and related services to 8 electric distribution cooperatives.  Central Montana operates as a not-for-profit business governed by a 8 member Board of Trustees…
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Since Dec, 2016
Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc., is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative serving more than 10,500 rural customers in southeastern Ohio. As a Touchstone Energy® Cooperative, Washington Electric is part of an alliance of 700 cooperatives in 46 states which deliver power to more than…
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Since Dec, 2016
Most of the farming community in Wasco County did not have electricity in 1940. Pacific Power and Light Company ran its powerlines from town to town, but it was very expensive for farms along the way to be hooked up. Eric Johnson, a rancher who lived near The Dalles, could see the powerlines from his…
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Since Dec, 2016
WTU Retail Energy, a Direct Energy company, we believe in building and maintaining strong connections with the people and communities we serve. As your energy partner, we are committed to bringing you reliable, economical, and customer-focused service. As your neighbor, we are dedicated to seeing our…
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Since Dec, 2016
MVEC offers money-saving Energy Wise programs and a variety of conservation efforts that can help our members make the most of energy dollars. We have rebates, loans and practical solutions for heating, water heating and cooling.MVEC’s original headquarters was located on East First Street in…
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Since Dec, 2016
WPPI Energy is a regional power company serving 51 locally owned, not-for-profit electric utilities. Through WPPI Energy, these public power utilities share resources and own generation facilities to provide reliable, affordable electricity to more than 200,000 homes and businesses in Wisconsin, Upper…
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Since Dec, 2016
East River Electric Power Cooperative is a wholesale electric power supply cooperative serving 24 rural electric cooperatives and one municipally-owned electric system, which in turn serve more than 92,000 homes and businesses and about 250,000 consumers.Our 40,000 square mile service area covers the…
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Since Dec, 2016
Mississippi Power is committed to providing affordable, reliable electricity to the 23 counties of Southeast Mississippi. In addition, as leaders in the areas served and through our foundation, we provide support for the wellness of our communities including energy efficiency, economic development and…
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Since Dec, 2016
Founded in 1937, and located in Whitehall, a stock company licensed under the name Jefferson Valley Rural Electric Cooperative began operation. In 1939, after reorganization, this business became a non-profit membership cooperative with a new name, Vigilante Electric Cooperative, Inc. The original service…
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Since Dec, 2016
Magnolia Electric Power is a not-for-profit, consumer-owned electric distribution cooperative serving six counties in Southwest Mississippi. Electric power is distributed in Pike and Walthall and parts of Lincoln, Lawrence, Franklin and Amite counties. The service area is mostly…
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Since Dec, 2016
Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all persons able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination. Democratic Member Control Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by…
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Since Dec, 2016
VEC has been serving rural Vernon County, WI and parts of surrounding counties since 1938 when rural residents took advantage of low-interest loans from the federal government (Rural Electrification Administration) to start their own electric utility. Prior to 1938 no investor-owned utilities…
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Since Dec, 2016
VELCO manages the safe, reliable, cost-effective transmission of electrical energy throughout Vermont. Our goal is to provide an optimal system of electric transmission facilities as part of an integrated regional network designed to meet both current and future energy needs. Our vision VELCO's vision…


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