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Energy Companies
28353 companies listed

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Since Apr, 2015
AVA Americas, LLC, founded in 2006, is located in Charlotte, NC.Our staff is vastly experienced in mixing and drying technologies. AVA Americas is an associated company of » AVA Huep GmbH u.Co. KG, located in Bavaria, Germany. It is people who are behind AVA’s success. With their commitment…
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Since Apr, 2015
IDE. Your Water Partners A world leader in water treatment solutions, IDE specializes in the development, engineering, construction and operation of enhanced desalination and industrial water treatment plants. IDE believes in partnership with customers. Partnership is about applying nearly 50 years…
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Since Apr, 2015
Environics is a world leader in computerized gas flow instrumentation. Our headquarters for design, manufacturing, sales and service is located in a modern 11,000 square foot facility in Tolland, Connecticut. We are ISO 9001 certified, having received ISO 9001 Quality Systems Certification in April,…
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Since Apr, 2015
At ARIA Technologies we specialise in computation of pollutant dispersion, meteorological analysis, wind, emission, and air quality modeling.ARIA Technologies works with leading European laboratories to offer the most suitable solutions to industry, government, and engineering consultancies. ARIA Technologies…
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Since Apr, 2015
WYG is a global programme, project management and technical consultancy with a difference.Our in-house team brings together 1,400 specialists from a diverse set of disciplines. Our connections expand even further as we bring together a network of over 20,000 partners and associates from around the world.We…
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Since Apr, 2015
COMPANY PROFILE SLT Energy limited is a closely held public company based in Ahmedabad, incorporated in the year 2008. The Company is into manufacturing and distribution of solar thermal energy application equipments. We provide a complete solution in the field of solar energy. Our continuously evolving…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
OUR COMPANY BearkerScipio Biofuels Inc. is a privately owned corporation founded in 2008, registered in California, and headquartered in Orange County CA. From the very beginning, as we developed our company and technology, our motto has been "Go Big or Go Home." With that idea, we have developed the…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
GlenView Group, Inc was founded on an idea to provide a one-stop  solution for businesses seeking for implementation and improvement of their business management system and provide ISO training for managers, internal auditors and all individuals seeking to further their knowledge of international…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
WESCO Distribution is a leader in industrial supply with an extensive offering of electrical, data communications, construction material, general maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) and electrical OEM products. As a provider of renewable energy solutions, WESCO’s mission is to become the…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
We are proud members of “Friends of Jawbone.” FOJ is a group of off–road enthusiasts who proactively work with the BLM (Federal Bureau of Land Management) to care for the environment while ensuring safe access to public lands in the Mojave Desert. Over the years FOJ has contracted…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
We provide our clients with accurate and affordable groundwater location surveys, preliminary and full written reports that indicate the depth, yield (flow rate) and thickness of the aquifer. Upon request by Dr. R. Clark of Groundflow, AquaLocate has redesigned the Groundflow GF2500-3500 unit. As of…
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Since Apr, 2015
Horizon Technology is a leading manufacturer of automated sample preparation systems for the analysis of organic compounds in aqueous samples and Oil & Grease testing. Labs who test for Semi-Volatile Organics, Oil & Grease, DROs, TPH, Pesticides, PAH's, Explosives, Pharmaceutical By-Products…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
Romtec Utilities, Inc. designs, manufactures, supplies, and installs site specific packaged pump stations. Our pump stations include detailed drawings and specifications in the CSI format with all structural, mechanical, communication, and electrical plans. Our documentation also includes a complete…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
Phoenix Industries originated in 1988 as Phoenix Environmental Ltd., a New Jersey based research and development firm established to develop remediation technology for various waste streams. In the late nineties the company entered into an agreement with a Fortune 500 Company to design and build a unique…
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Since Apr, 2015
BHR Biofuels Ltd is a new breed of biofuels company, drawing on over 300 man years of chemical process design expertise and we have an enviable reputation in mixing systems and process intensification. We have developed intense scalable Biodiesel Reactor Systems based on our in-depth understanding…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
Columbia Industries understands the value in building a brand that is reputable, trust worthy, and loyal to our customers. Over the years, our foundation has been built on a reputation for excellence in everything that we do. Each opportunity allows us the ability to showcase important characteristics:…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
Varec (VApor RECovery Specialty Company) began business in the 1930's at its manufacturing plant in Compton, California. Varec was there in the infancy stage of the biogas market in the early 1950's. From the onset, Varec's focus was to deliver Biogas Handling products that suited customers' specific…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
LSC is a global manufacturer of premiere products and equipment designed to address the persistent environmental challenges of erosion, odor, land reclamation, waste cover, seeding, and dust.  Over 25 years ago, LSC pioneered the use of spray-applied alternate daily cover and solar-powered vent…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
Gravitational Systems Engineering specializes in the development of environmental energy harvesting and conversion methods.  GSE methods are based upon R&D from Gravitational Systems, Inc., (GS, Inc.). which was a New York research laboratory established in 1998.  Theprimary research goals…
Basic Member
Since Apr, 2015
Headquartered in San Diego, California, USA, Solar Turbines Incorporated, a subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc., is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of industrial gas turbines, with more than 15,000 units and over 2 billion operating hours in over 100 countries. Products from Solar Turbines…
27021 - 27040 of 28353 companies


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