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BNI Coal Ltd
1637 Burnt Boat Drive , P.O. Box 897 , Bismarck, North Dakota, United States

Memberships : NA
Industry : Coal
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Since Apr, 2020
About Company

BNI Coal, LTD a subsidiary of BNI Energy Inc., is developing North Dakota's abundant lignite energy resource. At its Center Mine, BNI mines and reclaims about 200 acres a year to supply lignite coal to fuel the nearby Milton R. Young Generation Station.  Two electric generating cooperatives, Minnkota Power and Square Butte, operate the Young Station, which consumes virtually all of the coal produced at Center Mine under agreements in place through 2037. The Young Station generations low cost, reliable, domestic energy for customers in North Dakota and Minnesota. 

It's the people of BNI Coal - mostly native North Dakotans - who have created the company's success. BNI employees are committed to working safely, working hard, and working efficiently to balance coal mining with the environment so that we leave the land as productive as we found it.   BNI Coal employs approximately 175 employees. Our hourly employees are represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union, Local 1593.   The Center Mine located 35 miles NW of Bismarck is home to the mining operation and all support departments.  The success of our Mining Operations depends on the experience and hard work of the people who staff this department. Their efficiency and commitment to safety are key factors in BNI’s ability to remain the lowest cost producer of lignite in the area.   The Engineering department handles the applications for mining permits and planning (see our Mining Process), and Landowner Relations. Staffed with engineers, geologists, reclamation specialists, permit coordinators and surveyors, this department provides essential support for the mining operations.   BNI’s Purchasing/Maintenance department procures all goods and services necessary for BNI Coal’s operations. They also keep our mobile equipment running in a safe and efficient manner. A team of diesel mechanics keeps our equipment in working order.  Information Technology supports communication throughout the company.  Our mining operators and heavy equipment use GPS technology to assist in the daily work of moving dirt and coal.  Safety and Training are other vital support services located at the mine site.  BNI has developed an extensive onboarding program that emphasizes both general safety and safety as it pertains to operating individual pieces of heavy equipment on location at the mine site.  Corporate Headquarters in Bismarck, ND handles our full array of administrative functions, including accounts payable, billing, budgets, financial reporting, governmental reporting, compliance, human resources and payroll.

BNI History

BNI Coal Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of ALLETE(NYSE-ALE), owns and operates the Center Mine near Center, North Dakota. BNI Coal's surface mine supplies lignite coal to fuel the nearby Milton R. Young steam electric Generating Station, Units I and II.   In 1930, Harris M. Baukol, his brothers and L.L. Monson formed Baukol-Noonan Lignite, Inc. and Noonan Holding Company. The companies began mining near Noonan, North Dakota. In 1949, the businesses were assumed by a successor company, Baukol-Noonan, Inc. Operations at the Center mine began in 1970.  In 1988, Baukol-Noonan was purchased by Minnesota Power Company currently known as (ALLETE). Baukol-Noonan changed its name to BNI Coal Ltd. and relocated its headquarters to Bismarck, North Dakota.   Today, BNI mines about 4.5 million tons of lignite coal annually, supplying both units of the Young Station. The mining process disturbs and reclaims approximately 210  acres per year. And with reserves of 600 million tons, BNI has ample capacity to expand production.


BNI Coal is one company of the ALLETE family.  Other companies include Minnesota Power, Superior Water, Light and Power, and ALLETE Renewable Resources.  The shared purpose of all these companies is to be a leader in clean, safe, efficient and affordable energy products and services that fuel modern day necessities and enrich quality of life.  We are committed to providing exceptional customer value and superior shareholder returns.  Through wise investments and strong partnerships, we will grow while answering the call to transform the nation’s energy landscape.  The shared Values of ALLETE are guiding principles for BNI employees.  Employees expect and embrace lifelong learning, creativity and diversity of perspectives, personal accountability and continuous improvement in all that we do.  Our culture nourishes excellence through our shared values, which are lived every day.

Expertise in Operations and Development

The BNI team includes skilled and experienced operators and professionals with expertise in mine operations, logistics, permitting, project management and development. In May 2014, BNI secured approval to add more than 8,000 acres to its permit at the Center Mine as part of a major expansion and recapitalization of its mine operations. BNI now has about 18,000 acres under permit.

Solid Growth Platform

Long-term coal supply agreements, reserves of 600 million tons and a solid track record as a low-cost producer of lignite coal ensure that BNI is positioned for future growth. The company employs efficient, safe and environmentally sound mining methodologies and has developed strong relationships with landowners through exceptional environmental and land stewardship. Strategically located in an energy-rich area, BNI is able to leverage parent company ALLETE’s strong financials as the company evaluates opportunities in coal and tangential industries and services.

Company NameBNI Coal Ltd
Business CategoryCoal
Address1637 Burnt Boat Drive
P.O. Box 897
North Dakota
United States
ZIP: 58502
PresidentWade Boeshans
Year EstablishedNA
Hours of OperationNA
Company Services
  • Lignite Coal Mining
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