Electric Power Companies 1489 companies listed
Diverse Power Incorporated
Since Jan, 2017
Diverse Power Incorporated is a member-owned electric cooperative that provides reliable electric energy-related services to the Georgia Counties – Troup, Harris, Heard, Meriwether, Muscogee, Coweta,…
Dubois Rural Elec Co-Op Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Indiana was one of the states that took the lead in rural electrification. The REMC Act was adopted in 1935 and provided the legal framework for organizing REMC's. During that same year, President Franklin…
Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
If this is your first experience with our cooperative (co-op) or with any cooperative, we encourage you to click on the links to the left to learn about us and the cooperative way of doing business. As…
East Central Oklahoma Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Mission Statement: Offer competitive rates and provide electric and related services needed by the members while remaining financially sound and continuing to uphold the Cooperative Principles. East Central…
East Mississippi Electric Power Association
Since Jan, 2017
The section includes information about the EMEPA Board of Directors and history of the Association. This section will also give you an opportunity to provide feedback on the site. EMEPA serves over 37,000…
Deep East Texas Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Electric Cooperatives are special because they are owned by the consumers they serve and because they are guided by a set of seven principles that reflect the best interests of those consumers. …
Easton Utilities
Since Jan, 2017
In the years leading up to Easton Utilities founding in 1914, Mayor Martin Higgins was determined to bring his vision of “a modern sewer system, well-paved, hard surface streets, concrete…
Artisan Electric
Since Jan, 2017
Artisan Electric is one of Puget Sound’s largest and most respected solar contractors. With a team of highly-skilled, professionally licensed journeyman electricians and installation specialists,…
Arizona Energy Pros, Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Arizona Energy Pros, Inc., has been in business for 39 years as electrical contractors, we have been selling and installing Solar Systems (PV) just over 12 years. Most of those years we also installed…
Eau Claire Energy Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Eau Claire Energy Cooperative (ECEC) provides reliable and affordable electricity and related energy services to residential, business, and farm members in Eau Claire County. We also serve portions of…
Egyptian Electric Cooperative Association
Since Jan, 2017
Our mission of “improving the quality of life of our members at a reasonable cost” guides us as we meet the diverse needs of our service area in Southern Illinois. Serving members in portions…
Elmhurst Mutual Power & Light
Since Jan, 2017
Elmhurst Mutual Power & Light (originally named Elmhurst Mutual Company) was founded in March 1922 by five men whose purpose was to form a “mutual company not for profit” that would provide…
Empire Electric Association Inc
Since Jan, 2017
EMPIRE ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. is your member-owned and locally controlled rural electric cooperative. We are proud to energize and serve more than 12,000 members in Cortez, Dolores, Dove Creek, Mancos,…
Energy Plus Holdings, LLC
Since Jan, 2017
Founded on the belief that customers deserve more from their energy supplier, Energy Plus offers rewards to all of its customers each month just for paying their energy bills. It's a new way of looking…
Fairfield Electric Cooperative, Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Welcome to Fairfield Electric Cooperative's website. Please look around and discover all the things your co-op has to offer. You are encouraged to use the MyEnergy Online portal where you can…
Federated Rural Electric Association
Since Jan, 2017
Federated Rural Electric is a distribution electric utility serving member-owners in Jackson and Martin Counties with some along the bordering counties and in Huntington, Iowa. Federated is headquartered…
Firelands Electric Co-Op Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Firelands Electric Cooperative is a member-owned, not-for-profit electric utility serving more than 9,000 homes and businesses in rural areas of Ashland, Huron, Lorain and Richland counties. The co-op…
Fleming-Mason Energy Co-Op Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Fleming-Mason is an electric distribution cooperative, owned by its members, and operated for them on a not-for-profit basis. The employees, manager, and board of directors strive to make electricity…
Flint Hills Rural E C A, Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative Association is a nonprofit and member-owned cooperative. This web site was created to provide information about us and the services we provide. On July 15, 1938,…
Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Association Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Welcome to Florida Keys Electric Cooperative (FKEC), a member-owned, not-for-profit electric utility serving the Upper and Middle Keys. By establishing electric service with FKEC, you have become a member-owner…