Electric Power Companies 1489 companies listed
Marlboro Electric Cooperative, Inc
Since Dec, 2016
The focus of Marlboro Electric Cooperative, Inc. is to make electric energy available to its members at the lowest cost consistent with sound economic principle and management. Serving Marlboro and Dillon…
Maui Electric Co
Since Dec, 2016
Inspired by an enlightened King, Hawaii's story of electricity is regal, transformative and a leading contributor to the creation of our modern Hawaii. And it continues to be a story of innovation,…
Mc Cone Electric Co-Op Inc
Since Dec, 2016
McCone Electric, a rural electric cooperative, serves electric power to 14,400 square miles of eastern Montana. MEC's member owners have relied on our low cost, reliable electric service for over fifty-years.…
McKenzie Electric Co-Op Inc
Since Dec, 2016
Welcome to the website for McKenzie Electric Cooperative. We're dedicated to providing top-notch service to all of our members. Our member satisfaction is of the upmost importance to us. Be…
Mc Lean Electric Co-Op
Since Dec, 2016
McLean Electric Cooperative is very happy to announce the matching funds required to secure a Rural Development Loan and Grant was met by Cooperatives cooperating with Cooperatives. Reservation Telephone,…
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative
Since Dec, 2016
Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative (MEC) is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative, headquartered in Chase City, Virginia, with three district offices—Chase City, Gretna, and Emporia. Serving over…
Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative
Since Dec, 2016
Meriwether Lewis Electric Cooperative (MLEC) serves electricity to more than 33,500 homes, schools, and businesses in the Middle Tennessee counties of Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Lewis and Perry. Formed…
Mid-Kansas Electric Company, LLC
Since Dec, 2016
On April 1, 2007, Mid-Kansas Electric Company, LLC, closed the transaction that resulted in the acquisition of the Kansas Electric Network properties formerly owned by Aquila, Inc. The assets involved…
Mid-Carolina Electric Coop Inc
Since Dec, 2016
Mid-Carolina Electric Cooperative, Inc. (MCEC) is a not-for-profit electric distribution utility headquartered in Lexington, South Carolina. We are owned by more than 40,000 member-owners who reside in…
Mid-Ohio Energy Coop, Inc
Since Dec, 2016
Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative is dedicated to the delivery of safe, affordable and reliable electricity to better serve the lives of our members and communities. We are a member-owned electric…
Midstate Electric Cooperative,Inc
Since Dec, 2016
Mission Statement: Midstate Electric Cooperative delivers safe, reliable and cost-effective energy services while providing outstanding service to our members and communities. Midstate…
Minnkota Power Cooperative
Since Dec, 2016
Minnkota Power Cooperative is a generation and transmission (G&T) cooperative owned by 11 member-owner distribution cooperatives. Our members serve about 128,000 customers in a 34,500 square-mile…
Mississippi County Electric
Since Dec, 2016
Mississippi County Electric is more than just an energy service provider. The employees, management and board members are committed to helping our communities in many other ways. Our management and staff…
Missoula Electric Coop
Since Dec, 2016
Missoula Electric Cooperative (MEC), our Mission Statement is straightforward: “Our business is providing energy. Our mission is serving our members.” Our Statement of Values further supports…
Sierra Electric Co-Op
Since Dec, 2016
Sierra Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative located in Sierra County, NM. We serve members throughout Sierra County as well as members in areas of Luna, Socorro, and…
kV Power LP
Since Dec, 2016
V Power is a unique Electric construction and maintenance company located in west Texas.. Our mission is simple…to provide, quality work in the safest fashion possible at a great value. What we…
Sioux Valley Energy
Since Dec, 2016
Sioux Valley Energy is a member-owned electric cooperative serving more than 23,000 homes, farms and businesses with electric service in east-central South Dakota and southwestern Minnesota. Our primary…
Oconto Electric Co-Op
Since Dec, 2016
OEC is a member-owned, not-for-profit, generation & distribution cooperative headquartered in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. In 1937, the cooperative was formed to serve electricity in rural northeast Wisconsin.…
Oahe Electric Co-Op Inc
Since Dec, 2016
Plans were in the making for an electric company at the first board meeting held on May 22, 1946 at the Pierre Courthouse. Many decisions had to be made before the doors of Central Electric Cooperative…
Oakdale Electric Co-Op
Since Dec, 2016
Oakdale Electric Cooperative provides reliable and affordable electricity, and related energy services to residential, business and farm members in most of Monroe and Juneau Counties, plus portions of…