Electric Power Companies 1489 companies listed
Socorro Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Working for Socorro Electric is a great opportunity to serve your community and develop a career. We are a private utility owned by the members/consumers we serve. While deeply rooted in traditional values,…
Somerset Rural Electric Co-Op
Since Jan, 2017
Somerset REC is an electric distribution cooperative serving more than 13,000 members in four southwestern Pennsylvania counties (Bedford, Fayette, Somerset and Westmoreland), as well as Garrett County,…
South Alabama Electric Co-Op
Since Jan, 2017
SAEC was organized on June 17, 1937. The membership fee has remained at $5 since that first day. South Alabama Electric has continued to grow each year. To date we have approximately 2,600 miles of line.…
South Central Electric Association
Since Jan, 2017
South Central Electric Association (SCEA) is a member owned rural electric cooperative for 5600 members in southern Minnesota. SCEA has members in Watonwan, Cottonwood, Martin, Jackson,…
South Central Public Power  
Since Jan, 2017
South Central Public Power District is one of 31 rural electric utilities headquartered in Nebraska. As an electric utility, South Central PPD is relatively young. Many municipal utilities in Nebraska…
South Kentucky Rural Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
The story of rural electrification has its beginning in Manhattan in 1882, more than half a century before President Roosevelt signed the legislation creating REA. That year, Thomas A. Edison constructed…
South Mississippi Electric Power Association
Since Jan, 2017
Electric cooperatives are unique because we’re owned by our customers and driven to make a difference, not a profit. At the end of the year, remaining funds, or capital credits, go back to you.…
South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc
Since Jan, 2017
On May 11, 1935, and pursuant to the authority of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Rural Electrification Administration (REA) by an executive…
South Texas Electric Co-Op Inc
Since Jan, 2017
In operation for over 70 years, STEC is a Generation and Transmission Cooperative serving 8 member cooperatives of South Texas. STEC's mission is to provide the infrastructure and services to deliver…
South Ut Valley Elec Services District
Since Jan, 2017
As a customer-focused, not-for-profit, Public Power provider, SESD is in the electric utility business to provide high-quality, reliable, and affordable electricity to all of its customers. SESD: South…
Oglethorpe Power Corporation
Since Jan, 2017
Oglethorpe Power is one of the nation's largest power supply cooperatives with more than $10 billion in assets serving 38 Electric Membership Corporations, which collectively provide electricity to more…
Southeast Colorado Power Association
Since Jan, 2017
Our Primary Mission is to provide high quality, reliable, electric service at a reasonable cost to our members, improve their quality of life through new technologies and services, be a visible and active…
Southeastern Electric Coop Inc
Since Jan, 2017
Southeastern Electric Cooperative, Inc. is committed to serving our changing and diverse membership with quality electric services through sound business practices, communication, education and progressive…
SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, Inc
Since Jan, 2017
At SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, not only is the delivery of energy provided by your local cooperative, the generation and transmission of your energy is also provided by a local cooperative. …
Southern Illinois Power Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Southern Illinois Power Cooperative is a generation and transmission cooperative providing wholesale electric power to seven member distribution cooperatives and two wholesale customers in Illinois. Annual…
Southern Pine Electric
Since Jan, 2017
Southern Pine Electric was chartered in March 1938 to serve 481 homes and farms. Today Southern Pine Electric is one of the largest electric cooperatives in the country with nearly 10,000 miles of…
Southern Rivers Energy
Since Jan, 2017
Southern Rivers Energy was originally chartered as Lamar Electric Membership Corporation in February 1938, after a group of local farmers got together to create a plan of action to bring power to their…
Southside Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Southside Electric Co-op (SEC) is a member-owned distribution electric utility based in Crewe, VA, serving over 55,000 homes & business in 18 counties.Southside Electric Cooperative (SEC) is a member-owned…
Southwest Iowa Rural Elec Coop
Since Jan, 2017
Southwest Iowa Rural Electric Cooperative is a non-profit electric utility located in Corning, Mt. Ayr, and Stanton - servicing member-owners in 11 counties: Adams, Adair, Cass, Decatur, Fremont,…
Southwestern Electric Cooperative
Since Jan, 2017
Southwestern Electric Cooperative provides power to nearly 23,000 residential, commercial, agricultural and industrial members in southwestern Illinois, including parts of the St. Louis Metro East. As…